• Question: what is your favorited bird song and why?

    Asked by JMboss123*^_! to Rupert on 5 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Rupert Marshall

      Rupert Marshall answered on 5 Mar 2017:

      Now that’s a difficult question. I like lots of different species’ songs, each for a different reason. I suppose my favourite would have to be the corn bunting because I know it looks so precise and, well, pretty, as well as sounding beautiful. It’s like a babbling brook on a summer’s day, a dribble of silver. And the first time I hear it each summer it makes me smile and relax. It’s also the song that made me want to study animal behaviour.
      The “jenny” wren would probably me my 2nd favourite: they are a tiny tiny bird with that little sticky-up-tail but they sing an incredibly loud song with a trill that seems to make its whole body shake. Plus the wren has a fun scientific name, “Troglodytes troglodytes”
