• Question: What is the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

    Asked by Mbm_8486 to Carrie, Cedric, Ellen, Ines, Rupert on 9 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Ellen Williams

      Ellen Williams answered on 9 Mar 2017:

      I am slightly ashamed to say that i couldn’t honestly remember the answer to this! However I just did a little search online and actually it refreshed my memory and I do remember learning about it – it is just a long time ago!

      From what i can gather Prokaryotic cells are more primitive and their genetic material isn’t enclosed in a nucleus. Eukaryotic cells contain an actual nuclues and are more well developed.

      This website looks pretty good if you want more details http://www.majordifferences.com/2013/08/difference-between-prokaryotic-cell-and_27.html#.WMEibG-ea70

    • Photo: Rupert Marshall

      Rupert Marshall answered on 9 Mar 2017:

      Prokaryotic cells are single cells with all their innards floating around inside – they don’t have a separate nucleus, for example. Bacteria are an example of prokaryotes.
      Eukaryotic cells are single cells with all their innards neatly packaged up inside parcels called organelles. One of these organelles is the nucleus which contains the DNA. Eukaryotic cells can live on their own, like slime molds and protists. Eukaryotic cells can also be joined together to form bigger organisms – like humans and cats.

    • Photo: Ines Goncalves

      Ines Goncalves answered on 11 Mar 2017:

      In a very simplistic way, prokaryiotic cells are simpler versions of eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells don’t have organelles, such as mitochondria, like our own cells. They also don’t have an enclosed cell nucleus, like yours, which is enclosed by a membrane. Prokaryote were the first cells and life forms (many life forms are single-celled organisms) to exist. Then things got progressively more complex in the course of evolution. Does this answer your question?

    • Photo: Carrie Ijichi

      Carrie Ijichi answered on 13 Mar 2017:

      No idea! Clearly I’ve blanked from my mind things my poor school biology teacher tried to teach me…

    • Photo: Cedric Tan

      Cedric Tan answered on 13 Mar 2017:

      Great question! I reckon my colleagues have answered this well. This video gives a great summary of the differences:
