• Question: Have you ever caused the death of an animal even if it was inadvertent?

    Asked by mouse to Carrie, Ellen, Rupert on 16 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Ellen Williams

      Ellen Williams answered on 16 Mar 2017:

      I have definitely accidentally killed insects (treading on them, sitting on them, putting things on them) and i have eaten a fair few flies while out running (although i assure you not deliberately, yuk!)

    • Photo: Carrie Ijichi

      Carrie Ijichi answered on 17 Mar 2017:

      I caused the death of my horse by having him put down but I did that so that he wouldn’t suffer. Even though I knew that it was the right thing to do it was very hard and I was very upset. Unfortunately, if you keep animals and care for them, part of your job is to do this when the time is right and not keep them alive because it’s less upsetting for you.

      Also, when you eat meat or wear leather you indirectly caused the death of an animal too but if that animal had a good life then most people feel that’s ok. I eat meat but I check where it came from and buy high welfare products

      I don’t kill anything on purpose, even animals people call pests like slugs and rodents. I really, really hate it when I stand on one or something runs out in front of my car! I’ve hit a few birds even though I swerved to miss them = bad day…. I’ve been out in the road plenty of time trying to get a dog/cow/sheep/deer out of the traffic like a mad woman!
