• Question: Do you think that birds could learn a song? Why?

    Asked by Marc M to Rupert on 9 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Rupert Marshall

      Rupert Marshall answered on 9 Mar 2017:

      A lot of birds learn their songs – some inherit them and just “know” what to sing, but they often perfect their songs by listening and singing with others. Some young birds never hear their father sing so must learn from other birds.

      Some birds can learn all through their life at any time – starlings and minor birds and parrots. They still sound like their own species but they can even make sounds like human speech or machines if they hear them a lot. I knew one tropical bird that said “quack quack quack” because its enclosure was near some ducks.
      Most birds can only learn for a short period of time, maybe once in their first year or once each year – their brain then “fixes” the song, like pottery setting once it’s been put in the right shape. Great tits and robins are like this.
