• Question: do birds sing more at different times of the day?

    Asked by JoeMattock11 to Rupert on 16 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Rupert Marshall

      Rupert Marshall answered on 16 Mar 2017:

      Birds tend to sing more in the morning and in the evening – the dawn chorus is the time when most birds sing the most. Mainly it is just male birds that sing, defending their territory and/or trying too attract a mate. We think they sing early in the morning because they are proving how good they are at finding food the previous day – they have eaten enough to let them start singing early and finish singing later in the morning than other birds. By singing in the evening too they are saying Hey, look, I’ve done my feeding and I’ve got time to sing – I’m an amazing bird. Singing is a dangerous activity though – they are basically telling predators where they are. So only the good birds can sing lots and still escape being caught.
