• Question: Do you have a dog

    Asked by Jordan to Carrie, Cedric, Ellen, Ines, Rupert on 5 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Ines Goncalves

      Ines Goncalves answered on 5 Mar 2017:

      I really wish I had a dog! I’ve wanted a dog for years, but I travel too much and, living alone, I don’t have anyone to take care of my pets when I need to go away. It wouldn’t be fair on any pet to leave them behind to go do field work for 3-4 months per year elsewhere. Also, most landlords don’t allow you to have pets. But I’ll have one one day. 🙂 I love Rodesian ridgebacks.

    • Photo: Rupert Marshall

      Rupert Marshall answered on 5 Mar 2017:

      No I don’t have a dog. In fact I don’t have any pets. I spend a lot of time travelling away on fieldwork and it wouldn’t be fair on them. But I do put out food for the birds in the garden and I do have some nest boxes for them – sort of like a wild pet that can fly away when it’s bored with me

    • Photo: Ellen Williams

      Ellen Williams answered on 5 Mar 2017:

      I have two dogs – an 11 yr old border collie cross and a 4yr old jack russell terrier cross (both rescue dogs). The collie is a diamond, the JRT is the devil incarnate – a whole behaviour study in herself 🙂

    • Photo: Carrie Ijichi

      Carrie Ijichi answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      I have two – Tasha (also known as Bumbum) and Jake. They’re both rescue dogs and were used to poach animals before. Jake broke his leg out hunting rabbits and they just left him by the side of the road. They’ve had 9 years with us now though so I think we’ve made up for their hard starts in life now.

    • Photo: Cedric Tan

      Cedric Tan answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      No I don’t have one. Its a pity as I heard they are great company!
